
A growing number of applications rely on asynchronous and distributed processing.

Here are some of the main reasons for considering Amazon SWF and botoflow framework:

  • Scalability of the application is the primary motivation for using this approach.

    By designing autonomous distributed components, developers get the flexibility to deploy and scale out parts of the application independently as load increases.

  • Consumption of cloud services.

    As application developers take advantage of cloud computing, they need to bridge their existing on-premise assets with new assets in the cloud.

  • Inherently distributed nature of the process being modeled by the application.

    For example, automating an order fulfillment business process may span several systems and human tasks.

The asynchronous and distributed model has the benefits of loose coupling and selective scalability, but it also creates new challenges. Application developers must coordinate multiple distributed components to get the desired results. They must deal with the increased latency and unreliability inherent in remote communication. Components may take extended periods of time to complete tasks, requests may fail, and errors originating from remote systems must be handled. To accomplish this today, developers are forced to build complicated infrastructure that typically involves message queues and databases along with complex logic to synchronize them. All this "plumbing" is extraneous to business logic and makes the application code unnecessarily complicated and hard to maintain.

Botoflow provides a solution that makes application development simple while enabling developers to get all the benefits of asynchronous and distributed processing in their applications. It accomplishes this through a powerful programming model layered on Amazon SWF.

Hello World!

Full example can be found here: examples/helloworld

The following example shows a distributed program written using botoflow framework. This program asynchronously calls a remote method, which returns a greeting message that is printed to the console.

class HelloWorldActivities(object):

    def get_name(self):
        return input()

    def print_greeting(self, name):
        print("Hello {}!".format(name))

class HelloWorldWorkflow(WorkflowDefinition):

    @execute(version='1.0', execution_start_to_close_timeout=1*MINUTES)
    def hello_world(self):
        name = yield HelloWorldActivities.get_name()
        yield HelloWorldActivities.print_greeting(name)

The example above defines a workflow and two activities. Workflows and activities are the basic building blocks in botoflow:

  • Activity is a unit of functionality that is invoked asynchronously through Amazon SWF; in other words, it is the implementation of a task.
  • Workflow, on the other hand, is the control flow that coordinates the execution of activities. Using a workflow you can arbitrarily compose tasks, simply by calling activity methods.

For clean separation, the framework uses different base classes/decorators to define the signature or contract of activities and workflows.

  • Activities class is decorated with @activities and @activity.
  • Workflow is a subclass of WorkflowDefinition. The workflow class in our example is HelloWorldWorkflow and has only one method: hello_world that is decorated with @execute.
  • Activities, get_name and print_greeting, are represented by methods in the activities class. Workflow implementation invokes the get_name activity to get the user's name/message and calls the print_greeting activity to print a greeting to the console.

It is important to understand that this trivial program is in fact a distributed application. The workflow and activity implementations can be hosted on separate machines and scaled independently. In order to call an activity, you don't need to instantiate the activities object, and instead call it as you would call a Python classmethod().

You can start an instance of this workflow using the following code snippet:

session = botocore.session.get_session()

with workflow_starter(session, aws_region='us-east-1',
                     domain='domain1', task_list='tasklist1'):
    HelloWorldWorkflow.hello_world()  # starts the workflow

Here we use get_session() from botocore (for authentication as well as low-level communication with SWF service) and pass it to our workflow_starter. Then we call HelloWorldWorkflow.hello_world() in the workflow_starter context to start a new workflow execution.

blockdiag Application WorkflowLogic Activity HelloWorldWorkflow.hello_world() HelloWorldActivities.get_name() return name HelloWorldActivities.print_greeting()

Non-Blocking Code Using Tasks

Note that in the previous example, the get_name activity was returning a str but when called from within the workflow, it returns Future. When you call this method from within the workflow, it returns immediately. This is because it only schedules a task for execution and does not block, waiting for it to complete. This means that the actual result of the activity is not available to the caller when the call returns. Therefore, the method returns an object of type Future as a placeholder for the "future" result of executing the remote activity. The actual result is returned only after the activity has completed, and the time needed to dispatch the task through Amazon SWF.

One more thing to note in this example is the yield keyword for both get_name() and print_greeting() calls. The yield keyword in this case is used to indicate that we want to block and wait for the Future object to complete the call and return the actual value. You use it to indicate that you need the result of the activity at that point in the code (in this case to pass the name to print_greeting(), we need the result of get_name() immediately).

Botoflow and Amazon Simple Workflow Service

Botoflow uses the Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF) to schedule tasks for execution by remote components, to get their results back, and to store the overall execution state of the application. Amazon SWF makes it possible for your application components to be deployed on separate machines and scaled independently. This also makes the application highly fault tolerant as it can be executed by multiple processes (workers) and is guaranteed to make progress if any of them is running.

When using Amazon SWF directly, you implement the processing steps of your application as activity workers and the orchestration logic in a decider (also called a workflow worker). The workers and the deciders also implement code to poll Amazon SWF and call APIs to provide results and decisions. You then start workflow executions by calling Amazon SWF APIs from your application.

A program written using botoflow consists of three types of components:

  • Implementation of individual tasks (that is, activities).
  • The coordination logic that orchestrates these tasks (the WorkflowDefinition).
  • A component that initiates the coordination logic.

Each of these components can be hosted on separate workers or worker pools and interact with each other through Amazon SWF. Hence, using the framework, you can easily create activity workers that host and execute activities, and workflow workers that host and execute the orchestration logic.

Durable Execution State

In the Hello World example, the activity takes only a few seconds to execute, but the botoflow allows activities to take arbitrarily long to complete. For example, an activity may be used to perform complex computation that takes several hours. In order to reliably execute such long running processes, the execution state of workflow must be stored durably. The framework relies on Amazon SWF for this purpose. Amazon SWF maintains the history (or the state of execution) of each workflow instance. At any point in time, the history of a workflow instance is a complete and authoritative record of all the activities scheduled so far, their progress, and results. The framework uses this history to seamlessly keep track of the progress of the workflow. This frees you from having to manage the execution state explicitly in a durable store yourself.

Amazon SWF also provides a reliable communication mechanism between the workflow and activities. The framework uses it to dispatch tasks to remote activities and to receive their results. Tasks scheduled in Amazon SWF are stored durably and are guaranteed to be delivered at most once. When a task completes, successfully or with error, its results are also stored durably by Amazon SWF. The framework retrieves these results from Amazon SWF and based on them proceeds with the execution of your workflow. Amazon SWF guarantees that the remote activity will either complete successfully or the calling code will be notified of the failure to complete.

You can also configure the framework to retry a failed task automatically. These semantics eliminate the need for you to use complex message passing and queues in your code. You can simply rely on the framework and Amazon SWF to schedule remote tasks and let them handle the details of dispatching tasks, retrying failed tasks, and durably storing the results of their execution. Once a task is complete, the framework receives the results on your behalf. Since Amazon SWF maintains a durable record of all tasks and their results, the remote task and its results are not lost if the application crashes or gets disconnected. Even if all activity workers and deciders go down, because the execution state is stored by Amazon SWF, the workflow execution can continue as soon as the activity workers and deciders come back up.

Distributed Execution

In essence, each workflow instance is a virtual thread of execution. This virtual thread of execution may span activities and orchestration logic running on several remote machines. Amazon SWF and the framework act as the operating system that manages these threads on a virtual CPU. It keeps the state of execution of the thread, switches between threads, and knows how to resurrect a thread back to the point at which it was switched out. As remote activities complete, the framework looks at the history and replays the workflow logic, plugging in the results of completed tasks. As tasks complete, the workflow logic makes more progress each time it is replayed. Since the workflow logic invokes activities, which may be remote and long running, the framework does not replay them. Instead, it plugs in the results that activities returned using the history.

This ability to resurrect the program from state stored in Amazon SWF means that the program is stateless and you can run it on many machines for the purpose of scalability. The program can be initiated independently of workers' availability because the initiation is managed by Amazon SWF. The program is highly scalable as any number of instances can be created in parallel. Requests to execute activities are delivered to workers through dynamically allocated consistent logical queues called task lists; therefore, the work is automatically load balanced among worker processes. Amazon SWF uses the HTTP long poll mechanism to deliver tasks to workers allowing them to pull tasks at their own pace. This ensures that workers are not overloaded even if there is an unexpected spike in requests. The HTTP poll mechanism also allows your workers to run behind firewalls since you are not required to open externally visible ports. This allows your applications to use resources in the cloud as well as on on-premise data centers.

Together, botoflow and Amazon SWF make it easy to create scalable and fault tolerant applications that perform asynchronous tasks that may be long running, remote, or both.