Workflow Starter

class botoflow.workflow_starting.workflow_starter(session, aws_region, domain, default_task_list)

Use this context manager to start a new workflow execution


# start the workflow using botocore session and ExampleWorkflow class
# with a random workflow_id
with workflow_starter(session, "us-east-1", "SOMEDOMAIN", "DEFAULT_TASKLIST"):
    instance = ExampleWorkflow.execute(arg1=1, arg2=2)
    # will print the workflow execution ID
  • session (botocore.session.Session) -- Botocore session.
  • aws_region (str) --
  • domain (str) --
  • default_task_list (str) --

wait_for_completion(workflow_instance, poll_sleep_time, attempt_count=None)

This convenience method will block until the workflow completes or attempt_count is reached.

with workflow_starter(session, "us-east-1", "SOMEDOMAIN", "DEFAULT_TASKLIST") as starter:
    instance = ExampleWorkflow.execute(arg1=1, arg2=2)
    # check every two minutes if the workflow completed and since we have not set
    # the attempt_count, we will poll for as long as the workflow is running
    result = starter.wait_for_completion(instance, poll_sleep_time, 2*MINUTES)